Research Network 1: Development of ICT skills, e-learning and the culture of e-learning in Lifelong Learning
Network Coordinators:

Prof. Karanam Pushpanadham is the Head of the Department of Educational Administration and a Professor of Educational Management at the Faculty of Education and Psychology, the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Gujarat, India. He was the member of Senate and Dean of Students. He was awarded Ph.D in Education by the Maharaja Sayajiro University of Baroda, India for his work in the area of Decentralization of Educational Management in 2002. He possesses M.Phil Education, Master of Arts in Sociology, Masters in Education, Bachelors in Education an Bachelors in Scioence degrees from various Indian universities.
He has been to several countries in Asia and Europe to address the conferences and seminar. He has commissioned several international research projects in Education, involved in capacity building for teachers and teacher educators in Education for Sustainable Development and on creating safe school environment, Project Director of International Baccalaureate’s Primary Year program Assessment in India, European Union’s Erasmus Mundus Visiting Professor at the Department of Education, Aarhus University, and Copenhagen, Denmark. He is the recipient of Swedish Institues’ Fellowship as Guest Professor at the Institute of International Education, Stockholm University in Sweden. Organized Sida sponsored International workshop on ICT and Pedagogic Development for Asia and Africa educational personnel. Directed a capacity development programme for Education Officers of Afghanistan. He has published several books and research articles in reputed journals of education. He is currently working in the area of Transformational Leadership in Education, Digital Learning, Data Mining and Management in Educational Research, Education for Rural Transformation and Global Citizenship. He has guided 8 Ph.D students and currently doctoral students are pursing research under his guidance.
Jan M. Pawlowski is a professor for Business Information System at Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences, Germany. He is also affiliated with the University of Jyväskylä, Finland where he worked for 7 years as Professor for Global Information Systems. His research deals with human aspects in Digital Transformation with a focus on innovation, knowledge, learning and competence management.
He worked on developing models for different application domains: competency frameworks, maturity models, globalization of knowledge management, process management and supportive technologies for global workgroups, and e-learning, in particular the internationalization of Open Educational Resources. The work includes the research coordination of several national and European projects focusing on different aspects of the globalization and support of information systems development and deployment.

Professor Jaitip Nasongkhla is the Director of Disruptive Innovation Technology in Education (DITE) Research Unit at Chulalongkorn University and Chairman of Educational Communication Technology . With her academic background of Leadership and Educational Policy Study in Instructional Technology, Northern Illinois University, USA, Her areas of expertise are in a wide range of innovative educational technologies and assessment, Quality Assurance, Human Performance Technology & Knowledge Management. Books and research publications found under her authorship are in the spectrum of E&M-learning, Human Performance & Technology, LifeLong Learning, Mix Reality, as well as Teacher and Faculty Development. Her ongoing projects include a holistic learning approach for Lifelong learning, Education for All, Social Entrepreneur (SE), as well as Muti-nation (ASEM’s) cultural identities.
Network Member:

Dr. Rumyana Peycheva-Forsyth is a professor of educational technologies at the Faculty of Pedagogy, Sofia University, where she has been employed since 1995. She is a director of the Center of Distance Learning at Sofia University and a director of the National Center of Distance Education. She holds a post-doctoral degree from the Institute of Education, University College of London (2006-2007) in the field of digital pedagogy. For the last 15 years she has been the leader of international and national projects in the field of digitalization of higher education.
Prof. Peytcheva-Forsyth was a member of the management board and a pilot manager of a project TeSLA (2015-2019y)- An Adaptive Trust-based e-assessment System for Learning within the Horizon2020 programme – ICT 20 -Technologies for better human learning and teaching. Her publications consist of 6 author’s monographs and 3 co-authored monographs, over 70 research papers which are in the field of digital technologies and education. She is a member of e-ASEM Research Network 1 Development of ICT skills, e-learning and the culture of e-learning in Lifelong Learning. She is a Head of the first master’s program at Sofia University, accredited in 2016 in distance education – “ICT in education”, which trains teachers in e-learning design and implementation.
Wang Lina, female, is an Associate Professor of Educational Technology in the Open University of China. She works in Research and Development Center for E-learning, Ministry of Education, and Teaching Evaluation and Teaching Supervision Office in OUC.
She graduated from Beijing Normal University, received Master Degree in 2007 and Doctor Degree in 2010 respectively. Her research fields are open and distance resource, quality Standards and quality Assurance, evaluation and lifelong learning.
Now, she is leading a project aiming at quality standards of OUC, involving policy setting, human resource, course development, organization management, teaching evaluation and so on. As one of authors, The Study on Quality Assurance for learning Centers in Open Education has been published by China Central Radio & TV University Press.
Professor and Dr Wang Ying is Dean of Research Institute for Distance Education and Director of Research Administration office at the Open University of China. She is Researcher of Distance Education, Adult Education and Professional Education. She is Director on behalf of Asia in International Association of Blended Learning (IABL).
She is a reviewer of several journals, including Chinese Distance Education and British Journal of Educational Technology. She got her PhD. at Beijing Normal University. She has completed quite a few research collaboration projects domestically and internationally. She published some articles and books related to blended learning, distance learning and prior learning and more than 30 of her articles have been published in the CSSCI journals.
Some of her books and articles are listed as: The Theory and Practice of Prior Learning; Research of Distance Education: Design, Methodology and Case Studies; The Theory and Practice of Blended Learning; Translation of Increasing Access Through Mobile Learning.
Mie Buhl is a professor at the Department of Communication, Aalborg University, Copenhagen Campus, Denmark. She is a member of the university’s Research Lab ICT and Designs for Learning.
From 2005 to 2008, Mie Buhl was Head of Department of Educational Anthropology at the Danish University of Education. She led the development programme of the Department of Educational Anthropology as ICT-pedagogic frontrunner.
Mie Buhl was a member of the Research Programme on Media and ICT in a Learning Perspective at the Danish University of Education since 2001, and served as head of the programme from 2010-2011. She was co-founder of the Unit of Visual Culture in Education at the Danish University of Education, and has been co-coordinator of the unit from 2002-2011. Her research is related to the implications of digital technology and media in an aesthetic and educational perspective especially with focus on multimodality, visual learning and telepresence.
Lars Birch Andreasen is an associate professor at Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University, Copenhagen Campus, Denmark. He is a member of the university’s Research Lab ICT and Designs for Learning.
He holds a PhD in Educational Studies, and an MA (Master of Arts) in Cultural Sociology. He was a member of the Research Programme on Media and ICT in a Learning Perspective at the Danish University of Education from 2001-2011.
His research is related to ICT and learning at universities, and to lifelong learning, focusing on the creation of dialogic spaces in education through net-based interaction and collaboration, user-generated content and web 2.0.
Cathrine Hasse has a long expertise in studying innovation and culture in organizations with a special focus on universities as workplaces. Her training as a cultural psychologist and anthropologist and her main study object (natural science education) have through many years of academic work steadily increased her insight in a wide variety of university disciplines.
In recent years these insights have been contextualized by knowledge of international university policies in her capacity as coordinator of an EU-project and through her placement in several advisory boards and as former member of the board of the Danish University of Education. She has contributed as an evaluator of several university disciplines (including the interdisciplinary structures at Linköping University). Her present academic work is concentrated on how employee driven innovation is affected by new technologies such as workplace robots. She did her PhD. on “cultural learning processes” in a physics institute where she followed a group of young male and female physicists’ students in their first years of study. This project developed into a longitudinal study.
She has followed the same group of students for more than 6 years. In her next project The Cultural Dimensions of Science she compared university institutions in Denmark and Italy and after this project she became the co-coordinator of an EU project, financed by EU 6th framework programme, UPGEM (Understanding Puzzles in the Gendered European Map), which compared university institutions, workplace cultures and gender relations in Denmark, Italy, Estonia, Finland and Poland.
In her research work she takes a special interest in the relations between learning, gender and education and workplace cultures – especially in workplaces including University Colleges and Academia in general. She is presently the coordinator of a project on the relation between workplace learning and technological literacy funded by the Danish Strategic Research Council. She is the author of several books on education and methodology, and has an international as well as Danish bulk of peer-reviewed journal articles in her portfolio, just as she is an active conference speaker on a number of conferences including conferences with broad interests in the development of teaching, learning, science and technology as well as universities and university disciplines.
Sebastian Vogt holds a PhD in media and communication science from Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany. His scientific life is driven by technical innovation and its impact on media and education.
Sebastian Vogt was a fixed term professor in educational technology at the FernUniversity in Hagen, Germany. As of 2012, he is a fixed term professor in educational research at the “Fern”.

Dr. Shnaoli Chakroborty Acharya is an Associate Professor of the Department of Education in West Bengal State University, India. Before that, she was an Associate Professor at the Directorate of Distance Education at University of Burdwan, India.
She holds a PhD in Education and her thesis focused on “The Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Achievement Motivation and Parental Involvement on the Achievement of Students in English at the Secondary Level.”
Her research interests include inclusive pedagogy, digital learning, leadership styles, educational administration and management.

She spent three years working as Community Manager of AI4EU, a €20M project that won funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. She worked with a community of 400+ members from the 80 project partners, 5000+ users on the AI4EU Platform, and 10K followers on AI4EU social media channels. She contributed to the ecosystem development of European AI via collaborations with a series of European AI initiatives and winning projects.

Tsuneo Yamada is a professor of Department of Informatics and the President’s advisor for International Affairs at the Open University of Japan (OUJ). He is also Professor Emeritus of the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI) and the board member of IMS Japan Society, Japan Online Training & Education Industry Association (JOTEA), Japan Open Badge Network Foundation, Accreditation Council for Practical Abilities (ACPA) and Grassroots Overseas Non-Governmental Organization Volunteer Activity Programme (GONGOVA, a Japanese NPO) and the inspector of Open Education Japan and The International Society of Volunteer Studies in Japan (ISVS)
His main research fields are educational technology, learning psychology, and second language learning. His current interests are digital ecosystem in education, digital credentials and micro/stackable credentials, learning analytics, Open Educational Resources (OERs) including JMOOC, and cyber-volunteering (e-volunteering).
Bowon Kim has been working as a professor of English for Korea National Open University (KNOU) since 1991.
He has translated several English novels into the Korean language. With regard to open and distance education, his main concern is to enhance and upgrade the teaching and learning system at open universities.
Recently, he has concentrated on rebuilding the tutoring process of KNOU as Director of the Institute of Distance Education of KNOU.
At international conferences for the Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU), he has presented papers such as “Tutoring at a Mega-University” (2005) and “Standards and Indexes for Evaluating Open Universities” (2009).
Dr. Taerim Lee is the director of KNOU Institute of Distance Education. She was the program organizer of the ASEM e-Learning ICT Colloquy held in Seoul in September 2006 where 27 countries participated, and the e-ASEM Network follow-up meeting in 2007.
She has worked for 27 years in the field of lifelong learning at Korea National Open University. For 23 years, she has developed computer-based teaching instruction for Mac, PC, and the web. With her background as a biostatistician, she is now the president of the Korean Society of Public Health Statistics, the president of Korean Classification Society, and the Asia Pacific woman statistician representative for ISI.
During her term as the director at KNOU e-Learning center, she took charge of the presidency of KUACE (Korea Alliance for Cyber Education), which involves 89 universities across the country.
The contents of her Introductory Statistics were open to the APEC Cyber University for Public Health and ongoing collaboration with UNSIAP (UN Statistical Institute for Asia Pacific) of online education for Asia Pacific official statisticians. She has published many books on the e-Learning aspects of statistics, statistics and life, introductory statistics, exploratory data analysis, statistical analysis, data analysis for life data and data mining.
K. P. Joo is Assistant Professor in the Department of Youth Education at Korea National Open University. He holds PhD in adult education and comparative international education from the Pennsylvania State University (U.S.A.) and Masters degree in educational sociology and adult continuing education from Korea University (South Korea).
Before joining KNOU, he served as a post-doctoral research associate in the department of Learning Design at Penn State University World Campus. He also worked as an online instruction coordinator for Penn State Great Valley Professional Graduate Studies.
He has engaged in several international education projects such as UNESCO-Korea Funds-in-Trust Project on ICT Transforming Education in Africa.
Sungho Kwon is the chairman of the Department of Educational Technology, a director of Institute of Educational Technology, and a professor at Hanyang University, South Korea. Her research areas include lifelong education, ubiquitous learning, distance education, e-Learning, mobile learning, digital textbook, and media-literacy.
Dr. Kwon served as president of the Korean Society for Educational Technology from 2005 to 2006, an editorial committee member of Educational Research Institute from 2006 to 2008, an advisory committee member of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology from 2008 to 2010.
She currently serves as president of The Korean Association of General Education.
Senior researcher Rita Birzina works in the Faculty of Biology of the University of Latvia as study methodist and assistant director of the Module of Biology of Professional Bachelor Programme for Teachers of Informatics and Natural Sciences. She is also a senior researcher in the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, and is the scientific secretary of its doctoral school Human Capacity and Life-wide Learning in inclusive contexts of diversity.
Her scientific interests encompass researches on ICT, pedagogy and natural sciences with focus on biology. The theme of her dissertation is humanistic approach within the study of adults computer literacy. She delivers study courses on biology in the Faculty of Biology of the University of Latvia, and on informatics as a host reader in Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music.
She also has experience in lecturing about continuing education; in organizing conferences and leading international and local projects, which are connected with teachers’ continuing education in ICT and biology, as well as with the protection and management of nature.
Mansor Fadzil currently serves as the Senior Vice President at Open University Malaysia (OUM). He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Mechanical Engineering from the University of Birmingham in 1981, and his Masters Degree and PhD in Control Systems Engineering from the University of Sheffield in 1982 and 1985, respectively.
He formerly worked as a full-time lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya (UM). During his tenure at UM, he held various administrative posts and was responsible for introducing online learning to the UM lecturers in 1998.
He was also instrumental in the establishment of OUM, Malaysia’s first open and distance learning (ODL) institution in 2000. Some of his most recent projects include the introduction of mobile learning, a new assessment instrument, an institutional question bank and a Mathematics resource centre at OUM.
Latifah Abdol Latif is currently serving as the Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology, Open University Malaysia (OUM), after serving as the Director, Center for Student Management for over 7 years. She joined OUM in 2003 after taking a break from her 22 years of service in the University of Malaya as an Assoc. Professor in the field of Organometallic Chemistry.
She has written over 90 papers in various journals and conference proceedings during her tenure as a lecturer as well as the Director of Center for Student Management, OUM. Most of the publications are related to the professional field of Chemistry and student retention.
As the Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology, her main focus is on developing relevant programmes for the working adults, and at the same time contributing to the nations continuous efforts in human capital development, particularly in the Science and Technology related areas.
Norazah Nordin is an Associate Professor in the area of e-learning and instructional design at the Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She is the Coordinator of the Resource and Information Technology Graduate Programme and a member of the UKM e-Learning Committee, which is in-charge of the implementation of the UKM e-learning policy.
At the national level, she is a member of the Malaysia Higher Learning Institution e-Learning Council. Her research interests include e-learning, ICT-Pedagogy Integration, Instructional Design and Mobile Learning. She leads many researches, whose grants were awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, the Ministry of Education, Malaysia and UNESCO.
Her involvement in ASEM includes a contribution of a chapter in the ASEM book (2010), entitled ‘Frameworks for Supporting Lifelong Learning’, published by Tongxin Publishing House, Beijing. As a member of the e-ASEM Research Network, she is determined to continue contributing and collaborating with other member researchers in lifelong learning and e-Learning activities.

Prasanna Ramakrisnan joined University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia at 2005 and now is a Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences and holds an academic administrative position as Head of Information Technology Services at the Institute of Continuing Education & Professional Studies (iCEPS). She manages the UiTM e-Learning Platform, UFUTURE (, which is developed and maintained by her team at iCEPS. She played a main role in developing this platform. The platform develop by her team has now become the main platform for teaching and learning replacing the old learning management system. This platform currently hosts UiTM Courses, MOOCs and Micro-Credential Courses and has close to 170,000 active minds in it.
Her motto is to continuously learn, think and innovate teaching strategies using technology. Thus, she is constantly strive to identify technology-based teaching strategies for improvement of student learning throughout her 15 years working experience at UiTM. Her wide experiences and involvements in technology supported teaching and learning can be seen through the responsibilities she shouldered from 2006 to 2016 as trainer, associate felo, felo and department head at i-Learn Centre, UiTM.
She is involved in innovations, publications and sharing sessions to improve the quality of teaching and learning using technology. She received various awards from International and National Invention, Innovation and Design (IID) Competitions and published papers related to improvement in quality of teaching and learning. Her dedication, hardwork and contribution to e-learning earned recognitions from UiTM. She was awarded the Dynamic Lecturer Award 2015 and; e-Learning Award 2018 and Teaching Award (Technology) 2019 at University Academic Award.
Her contribution to teaching and learning extended to students outside her classroom and educators. The expertise she has in technology-based teaching and learning earned trust from other faculty members and constantly called for trainings for their educators. She is well recognised for her dedication in applying technology in teaching and learning at national and international level. She is involved in national level guidelines development workshops for student e-portfolio and gamification.
She created EduTech Series YouTube Channel and EduTech Series Website to continuously promote teaching and learning strategies using technology among educators, teachers and students. There are many advancements, shortcuts, tips, and tricks with step-by-step guidelines that are shared in the EduTech Series to help both educators and students in their journey of teaching and learning.
Her deep interest and passion toward teaching and learning has lead in bridging the knowledge and skill gap among the students. She expended her teaching and learning support to students in a created telegram channel called Student Webinar Series. The telegram channel is used to share information related to free student trainings that she conduct to up-skill technical skills required for their learning and webinar on in-demand technical skills by industry for employability.
In her busy schedule teaching, supporting and managing university learning management system, she assists in students well-being in her spare time. She is a Founder President of the Student Social Welfare Organization (SSWO). She continues to aspire in the field of technology-based learning and continues her passion toward education.
Juvy Lizette Gervacio is an assistant professor of the Master of Public Management program of the University of the Philippines Open University. She is also the Project Coordinator of the e-Learning Development and Implementation Asia and e-skills Asia Program Asia, which are jointly implemented by the UPOU and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
She has undertaken research on e-learning management, quality assurance, interactivity, open educational resources and lifelong learning. Her paper entitled, Tutors and Learners Without Borders: In a Relationship but it’s Complicated, won silver award for Best Paper at the Asian Association of Open Universities Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam and subsequently published in the AAOU Journal in September 2011.
Her paper, eLearning for Lifelong Learning in the Philippines: Challenges and Prospects, was also given a UNESCO Fellowship Award at the International Conference on Open and Distance E-Learning on February 2012.
She is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Open ECB-Check (quality label for e-learning in capacity building/development).
Alena Ilavska has been teaching at the Technical University in Zvolen since 1989. She started her teaching career as a teacher of philosophy to graduate and postgraduate students. When the Faculty of Ecology was founded, she also started to teach ecophilosophy, history of arts and esthetical aspects of the relation of man and nature. She completed her PhD at the Department of Sociology at Comenius University, which enabled her to include sociology and business psychology into her syllabus.
She has been teaching abroad within the framework of the Erasmus Socrates program and within the framework of the masters program of Telematic Management, Donnau Universität Krems. Her subject is Social Impact of ICT on Social Sphere. In 1994, she won the position of director for Local Center of Distance Education. She was a member of a working group responsible for creation of methodology of distance and flexible learning. She has been teaching sociology and business psychology at the Center for the Students of Distance Education.
She is responsible for the methodology and for preparation of study materials and for the implementation new ICT tools into the education system. Her career includes various prestigious posts in the field of distance education and ICT, as well as international education and training in various countries.
For almost ten years, Dr Ilavska served as Director of the Local Center for Distance Education, as well as a distance education expert and co-ordinator e-learning projects at the Technical University in Zvolen.

Dr Inés Gil-Jaurena is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education at the National Distance Education University (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia-UNED), Spain, where she has been teaching and researching since 2005 in the Department of Educational Theory and Social Pedagogy. Her research interests include open and distance education, lifelong learning and e-assesment. She has been involved in various European projects related to open and distance education. Prof. Gil-Jaurena is chief Editor for Open Praxis, a scientific journal published by the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), since 2012. She has participated in the Korea National Open University (KNOU) Fellowship Program in 2014. She coordinates the CO-Lab teaching innovation group at UNED since 2016. She is member of the Steering Committee of the European Distance and E-learning Network of Academic and Professionals (EDEN NAP) and member of the Steering Committee of the UNESCO Chair in Distance Education (CUED), based at UNED, since 2020.
Research topics:
Online assessment in higher education
One of the changes faced by universities due to the COVID-19 crisis was the adoption of online final assessment of student learning, which has replaced face-to-face exams. In the research group Inés Gil-Jaurena leads at UNED is our interest to analyse how this change has been implemented and how it impacts on the academic performance of students, as well as how students and faculty perceive and value online assessment methods. We have explored the case of the UNED, the national distance education university of Spain, that implemented an in-house online assessment software in June 2020 to guarantee that more than 125000 undergraduate students could complete their final exams. We intend to continue with the study and collaborate with other universities facing similar challenges.
We have already shared the preliminary results in two events:
- Webinar EDEN NAP, May 5th, 2021.
“Changing Assessment due to Covid-19: Experiences and Impact“
Organizers: Inés Gil Jaurena and Orna Farrell.
Speakers: Monica Ward, Stylianos Hatzipanagos, Linda Amrane-Cooper and Inés Gil Jaurena.
Recording available:
2. Conference presentation: Research in Distance Education (RIDE) conference 2021: Learning through disruption. University of London, Centre for Distance Education (online), 16-18 June 2021.
Gil-Jaurena, I. (2021). “Changing assessment in a distance education university: students’ and faculty perspectives”.
Recording available:
Thapanee Thammetar is the Director of Thailand Cyber University Project (TCU), Office of the Higher Education Commission. TCU is an ongoing project being carried out in accordance to the National Education Act B.E. 1999, which puts emphasis on expanding educational opportunities for people.
The TCU acts as a learning resource sharing center and aims to assist all the higher education institutes to deliver distance learning via the Internet. It also works to ensure that all online courses are of a high quality and meet government standards.
Thapanee Thammetar received her PhD in Educational Communication and Technology from Chualalongkorn University. She is currently a lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University, where she used to be the vice-director of the Computer Centre from 2002 to 2008.
Uranchimeg Tudevdagva studied computer science at the Electro Technical University of Novosibirsk, Russia and received a Diploma Engineer in 1992. After completing her studies, she held a teaching position at Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. She received an M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from MUST in 1997.
Later, she received Ph.D. in Computer Science from Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia in 2004 and ScD (Dr. -Ing. habil) degree from Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany in 2014. She has more than 30 years teaching experience in higher education in different countries: Mongolia, Russia, Germany, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Her research has been focused on e-learning since 2010 and developed the so called “Structure oriented evaluation (SURE) model” for e-learning. She is the author of 10 books (2 of them in English), 2 chapters in books, 5 guidance for laboratory courses and more than 120 papers. She has two patents (in Mongolia).
She is the senior member of IEEE, member of Education Society and the board member of Association for the Development of Mongolian Women in Europe. She is first female scientist and educator in Mongolia who received the grant from Schulmberger Foundation in 2011.
Her research interests are ICT in teaching, e-learning and distance learning, evaluation models, evaluation for e-learning, quality of high education, lifelong learner, research methods and methodologies.
Associate Members:
Huang Chuanhui has been working as the deputy director of the Enrollment Office for the Open University of China (OUC) since 2007.
As an assistant researcher, she has been playing a proactive role in academic research projects regarding open and distance education, such as Research on Construction of Course Platform Adapting Lifelong Learning and Independent Studies (Beijing municipal commission of education project, 2007-2010) and Research and Practice on Open Educational Resources Integration and Sharing Mechanism (Award Scheme of Education, Social Sciences and Medical Research, HK, 2007-2008).
She has also published several research papers about open and distance education, such as Super Learning Market – an Ideal Open University (2008), Developing Women’s Education through the Modern Distance Education (2008), and Analysis of the Main Models, Mechanism and Forms of Open Educational Resources Integration and Sharing (2010).
Younghee Woo has been working as a researcher at the Institute of Distance Education, Korea National Open University. Since 2010, she has been serving as the e-ASEM research network administrator.
Dr. Woo completed her PhD degree in 2006 in the Department of Educational Psychology and Instructional Technology at The University of Georgia, USA. She has published articles centered on meaningful online learning, authentic task and learning management system.
Currently, she is doing research on web 2.0 and competencies of instructional designer, and u-learning. She has taught several subjects such as instructional design, theory and practices of e-learning, and needs analysis for e-learning.
Kyoung-Ae Choi has been working as an associate professor and the head of Department of Educational Technology in Cyber Graduate School, Joongbu University. Dr. Choi, graduated Seoul National University (Ph. D and M. Ed.), had an experience to work for Korea National Open University (KNOU) as a researcher. Now she teaches several subjects such as ‘Understanding Distance Education’, Systems Approach to Instructional Design’, ‘Quality Management of Distance Education’.
With regard to research, her main concern is to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in traditional or technology-based environment. Recently, she has studied the learning strategies and attitudes of excellent students in a traditional/cyber university, and the policies of universities to enhance the teaching quality.
Now She is writing a book about Quality Management of Distance Education.
Min-Seung Jung is an associate professor in the Department of Education at Korea National Open University. Dr. Jung holds her doctoral degree in Education from Seoul National University (Ph. D and M. Ed.), and teaches several subjects such as Lifelong Learning, Feminist Pedagogy, and Development and Education, and Social Movement and Lifelong Learning. She has joined the National Research Foundation of Korea, the Korean Society for Lifelong Education, the Korean Society for the study of Anthropology of Education, National Institute for Lifelong Education as an executive member.
She has published articles centered on the critical approaches of adult learning and cyber-culture, and books including Internet as a space of learning, and Researching Adult Education. She is presently researching the characteristics of adult students with Dr. Kasworm of North Carolina State University, and Korean immigrants’ intercultural learning process in University of North Carolina Asia Center as a visiting scholar.
Iveta Gudakovska is an Associate Professor, is Director of Library of the University of Latvia. She is working as a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Latvia and Latvia Culture College.
She is also a member of international and national professional organizations and author of scientific and educational publications. She actively participates in the projects of continuing education trainings for teachers and librarians.
She has got experience in managing several EU and national projects, including Latvian leader of partner institution OpenAire2020 project, distance learning for library professionals and online training courses for developing of information literacy of students.
Azizah is an associate professor with 14 years experience as an academic.
She headed a Multimedia Research Group during her tenure at Faculty Technology and Information Science. Currently, she is with Visual Informatics Institute as Senior Research Fellow.
Her main research interests include Human Computer Interaction, Usability, Accessibility, and eLearning.
Christian M. Stracke holds a masters degree in Educational Sciences from the University of Bonn. He has worked as Project Manager and coordinates projects at the University of Duisburg-Essen, such as the Quality Initiative E-Learning in Germany and Competence for Human Resource Development. In addition, he is an adjunct professor at the Korea National Open University.
Christian M. Stracke is an expert and senior consultant in the fields of policies and quality for e-learning, quality management, eLearning, competence modeling, and standardization in human resources.
He is the Vice-Chair of the European standardization committee CEN/TC 353 since its establishment, and Convener of the international standardization committee ISO/IEC JTC1/SC36 WG5 that has developed and published the first official ISO/IEC standard for quality management in Learning, Education, and Training (RFDQ = ISO/IEC 19796-1).
Jaroslava Kovacova received her degree in Public Economy at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic.
The title of her graduate thesis is Utilization of structural funds for implementation of eLearning within the tertiary education area in Slovakia. Currently, Jaroslava is working on a PhD at the department of Social Development and Social Policy, Faculty of National Economy at the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Her PhD thesis is linked with the fulfillment of the Lisboa Strategy objectives in the field of education, research and development. Apart from her studies, she is employed at the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic. Her areas of expertise are participatory adult learning, eLearning and lifelong learning, training, coaching and personal development.
Supannee Sombuntham is currently an adviser of Thailand Cyber University Project (TCU), Commission on Higher Education. She served as the director of TCU during 2005- September 2009. TCU is an ongoing project being carried out according to the National Education Act B.E, 1999 which put emphasis on expanding educational opportunities for people.
The TCU acts as a learning resource sharing center and aims to assist all the higher education institutes to deliver distance learning via the Internet. It also works to ensure that all online courses are of a high quality and meet government standards.
Prior to working at TCU, Assistant Professor Supannee was a lecturer in Physiology at Department of Physiology, Faculty of Phamaceutical Science, Chulalongkorn University during 1974-2005. She was also the Deputy Director at the Continuing Education Center, Chulalongkorn University during 1998-2004.
Anuchai Theeraroungchaisri is Deputy Director of Thailand Cyber University Project under The Commission on Higher Education, Thailand Ministry of Education. He is also a committee member in Chulalongkorn University faculty development board and also assistant to the Dean (educational technology), faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University.
His responsibilities in the past include Director of Learning resource center for self study, Director of Pharmacy Computer Network Center, Head of Pharmacy administration department.
He got Ph.D in Educational Communications and Technology with the background of M.Sc. in Computer and B.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences. His research interests include Constructive Learning Environment, Learning design, Faculty development, Innovative technology for learning.
Sarah Jones is a distance learning specialist in the area of student support and retention. Educated through the University of Southampton, Sarah has been working in the field of Responsible Admissions and Enrolment for over ten years within international departments, both at the University of London and American Intercontinental University – London.
Her research, Improving Student Retention in Distance Education at the University of London, was sponsored by the Centre for Distance Education. Within her own department, this research increased progression by 30% within two years. Sarah is currently researching retention and student support in social networks.
Sarah also works as part of the University of London lead college advisory group, supporting education for 48,000 students in 180 countries. She advises on retention and development of sustainable, scalable student support systems to ensure academic and individual personal success.