ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL Hub)
The ASEM LLL Hub, established in 2005, is an official network of Asian and European higher education institutions, working and learning together to achieve excellence in comparative research on lifelong learning, to offer research-based education policy recommendation, and to develop mutual understanding between Asia and Europe. It also facilitates researcher and student mobility and exchange within and between the two world regions.
The ASEM LLL Hub provides a platform for dialogue between researchers, practitioners and policy makers in order to contribute to evidence-based educational reform and innovation. Its seven research networks exchange knowledge, conduct comparative research and produce coordinated publications and reports. In parallel with seven active research networks, the Hub has a Council of Research Network Coordinators composed of senior representatives from its seven research networks, as well as representatives from both ASEF and ASEM Education. Additionally, the Hub has an International Advisory Council that at present brings together 25 national ministries and 5 international organizations.
In cooperation with partner universities and ASEM governments, the ASEM LLL Hub together with its seven research networks organizes yearly seminars and conferences, publishes books and disseminates information on its website. At ASEM LLL conferences, the research results are presented to the public, representatives of ASEM ministries and academic communities.
Our Arrangements, Priorities, and Context
Our Five-Year Plan
ASEM LLL Hub: A Framework for Lifelong Learning Research in the ASEM Region: 2020-2025
Our Partners

ASEM Education
Please visit:

ASEF Europe Foundation
Please visit: